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Spring Game excites the fans.

Irish return to normal football format for annual Spring Game. What else is returning to normal surrounding the football program?


  1. Great Podcast, missed you guys. Good stuff about the coaches on the sidelines, couldn't see that from the webcast. Agree it sure looks like Weis couldn't coach and now ND has a great bunch of coaches. I said the same thing, Nate looked just like his Dad out there, the mannerisms, etc., kept me smiling when he was out there. Great Blue-Gold game but Nate has to be the best story of the game. On the negative, I see lots of potential offensive line holding calls with the spread, especially with the other team's officials on the field, this will be a new experience for Kelly. The offensive line is out in the open, easy for the officials to see. Officiating has to be the top reason for joining a conference.


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