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Irish win, disappointingly?

We win 31-13, covering the spread by some 20 points and you're upset? WTF?


  1. Good officiating, great playcalling by Kelly, and an opponent without a QB. Kelly's red zone playcalling was excellent. Spread or no spread, good playcalling has to do with deception. Big East officials must dislike BC for leaving the Big East as much as they dislike ND for being ND, hence good officiating. The Pitt game will again depend on the officiating and Kelly's play calling. The ND plyers will play good enough to win. With a Big East opponent at home, do we get Big East officials on the field or Big Ten officials on the field?

  2. BC was awful. Out to a 21-0 lead, there should have been enough motivation from the rivalry (do you recall BC players tearing up the turf at ND Stadium?) to put the foot on their throats and throttle BC by six touchdowns. There is still no killer instinct. Do not take too much away from this win. All ND finally did was beat a team it should have beaten.

  3. Last week you mentioned the predictability of the snap cadence as a weakness of the ND offense. I noticed again against BC that the snap always a second after the center looked up. The announcers also mentioned something about BC picking up on the snap count.. Maybe that is why our offense sputtered a bit after a good start.

  4. I thought we did a better job with the cadence. It looked as if we were at least aware they were picking it up, but you're right, we still could've done better with it.


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